A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in copper. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and sxhortest, through which one can attain one’s desires, and fulfill one’s wishes. It is said that the ‘Deities’ reside in the Yantras and by performing ‘Puja’ or worship of Yantras, one can appease them, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences. Procedures to be followed by you to place this energized Yantra.

Yantras are geometrical figures intended to represent the basic energies. Just as every elementary geometrical figure, a straight line, a square, a cross or a triangle etc., has a symbolic value corresponding to the basic notions, similarly, the Yantras symbolise one or the other power or energy. In other words Vedic Yantras are the graphic representations of Mantras. Yantras can be drawn, engraved or painted on a variety of substances. The classical eight tantrik surfaces are gold, silver, copper, crystal, birch, bone, hide (which can include any type of paper), and Vishnu stone (shalagrama).

The Vedic Yantras are designed to remove the afflictions to obtain a particular result eg. to have a child, to have a positive balance in the bank, or to have the awareness to control one’s temper in order to enhance one’s performance at work etc. The Yantras are inscribed with the mystical inscriptions of the afflicted beneficial planets at a particularly auspicious time to suit the individual wearer.The diagrams such as circles, triangles, squares and even a ‘dot’ are used as Yantras. All these represent cosmic energies. A dot known as bindu in Sanskrit symbolizes all pervading space-the origin of all that exists. The yantras shall be seen daily in the morning and one shall lit incense or lamp before the yantra every morning. It is auspicious and blesses the native with success and wealth by continous puja of Yantras.

If you wish to have any of the above yantras we can arrange to supply these holy, specially powered & purified yantras / pendents at a very reasonable price .